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News Roundup(7)

来源:新闻大学 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-09-01
摘要:ommon in all schools by 2020. Experts believe that the campaign can raise Chinese students’ interests in Chinese operas and can help protect the traditional art. Peking Opera andKunquOpera are listed
ommon in all schools by 2020. Experts believe that the campaign can raise Chinese students’ interests in Chinese operas and can help protect the traditional art. Peking Opera andKunquOpera are listed by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritages. CA EGypt Attracting Industrial Investments Egypt released a new law aiming at facilitating the issuance of permits for establishing industrial facilities and attract more industrial investments, the Middle East News Agency reported on August 13. Egypt’s Trade and Industry Minister Tarek Qabil asserted on August 13 that the law will make a revolution concerning industrial investment in Egypt in the coming period. The minister added that the new regulations will contribute to attracting more regional and international industrial investments to Egypt as well as improving Egypt’s rating by international institutions. CA MAURITIUS Metro Construction Mauritian Government recently unveiled an ambitious railway project named Metro Express valued at more than $537 million. The project wiII connect the nation’s five main cities. According to the nation’s Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, the project wiII significantIy improve Mauritius’economic development by reducing costs reIated to road traffic and can heIp greatIy reduce carbon emissions. Moreover, the Metro Express will transport 53,800 passengers each day over its first year of operation, a figure which will grow 4 percent year on year, according to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport. CA UGANDA First Chinese Test Center Confucius Institute at Makerere University in Uganda’s capital Kampala on August 16 Iaunched the country’s first Chinese Test Center, which can enable Ugandans to participate in the Chinese Proficiency Test. According to the Chinese Embassy in Uganda, the center will cut the travel costs of Ugandans going to neighboring Kenya to attend Chinese language assessment tests. The Chinese Proficiency Test is an international standardized

文章来源:《新闻大学》 网址: http://www.xwdxzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0901/333.html


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