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News Roundup(8)

来源:新闻大学 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-09-01
摘要:test of Chinese Ianguage proficiency, which assesses nonnative Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the language in their daily, academic and professional lives. CA SoUTH AFRICA Regional Center of ND
test of Chinese Ianguage proficiency, which assesses nonnative Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the language in their daily, academic and professional lives. CA SoUTH AFRICA Regional Center of NDB Launched The New Development Bank (NDB) on August 17 launched its Africa Regional Center in Johannesburg, with South African President Jacob Zuma presiding over the proceedings. Zuma hailed the launch as a historical event and the foundation of BRICS commitment to the development of the African continent and emerging markets. The NDB has disbursed the first set of loans amounting to $1.5 billion. Zuma said this is a significant step forward together with other achievements like the bank’s first bond issuance in the Chinese capitaI market, mobilizing about $450 million. “We expect that the bank, through theAfrica Regional Center, will contribute to accelerating infrastructure investment in energy, transport, water and other productive sectors,” Zuma said. The president said as the NDB expands its membership, there are expectations that African countries will be among the first to take up membership at the bank. In 2018, the NDB expects to support about 20 projects. “The Africa Regional Center wiII undertake project identification and preparations,” he said. CA CHINA Rising Quality of Medical Care The quality and safety of medical care have risen steadily in China, with patients increasingIy benefiting from the adoption of international standards, according to China’s top health authority. The death rate for inpatients at Grade A public hospitals - the top level of China’s three-tier hospital grading system - in 2015 stood at 0.71 percent, while the rate at Grade B public hospitals was 0.48 percent, said Guo Yanhong, Deputy Director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission’s Bureau of Medical Administration, at a news conference on August 15. The higher death rates for hospitalized patients at Grade A hospitals than at Grade B were because they hand

文章来源:《新闻大学》 网址: http://www.xwdxzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0901/333.html


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