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News Roundup(9)

来源:新闻大学 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-09-01
摘要:le a larger proportion of critically ill patients, she said. CA CHINA First AI-Assisted Treatment China’s first artificiaI inteIIigence (AI) assisted treatment center opened in Hefei, the capital of
le a larger proportion of critically ill patients, she said. CA CHINA First AI-Assisted Treatment China’s first artificiaI inteIIigence (AI) assisted treatment center opened in Hefei, the capital of east China’s Anhui Province on August 20. It will carry out research to guide machine learning, such as recognizing messages and using visual neural networks to solve problems. The center features a voice-based information system, a computer-aided medical image diagnosis system and other cuttingedge equipment. Studying multitudes of hospital imaging data, and 2 million real electronic patient cases, the system is expected to improve detection rates. AI serves not only as a helping hand, but also as a competitor for doctors. It takes a doctor about half an hour to scrutinize over 300 medical images; but through the AI system, it only takes a few seconds. The AI-assisted treatment simplifies the process of uploading imaging data, making a prescription, and developing new applications with technological achievements. Experts believe that it can ultimately be a vital solution for insufficient medical resources and could prove to be a giant step in medical treatment in China. CA Africa is a home and solution for inclusive economy that the world needs. Think big and think about the future. You have a great potential, the future of e-commerce in Africa is bigger than Europe and the United States. Jack Ma, Founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Youngest Candidate Yan Ning, top biology professor at Tsinghua University, recently became the youngest candidate academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Born in 1977 in Laiwu, Shandong Province, Yan studied at Tsinghua University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 2000. She got a Ph.D. and a postdoctoral degree in molecular biology from Princeton University between 2000 and 2007. In 2014, she and her team carried out research into the physical structure of a protein. She was granted the Young Investigator A

文章来源:《新闻大学》 网址: http://www.xwdxzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0901/333.html


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